21 MW enters construction of photovoltaic power plant > News

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21 MW enters construction of photovoltaic power plant

페이지 정보

Writer 최고관리자 Lookup 9,288
Date time17-09-07 10:10 Comment 0Cases


We will enter a total of 21 MW power station this month.

Construction started this month, will be completed gradually from next month,

The entire power plant will be completed at the end of December this year, and the total project scale is about 33 billion won.


Following the Hainan 14.5 MW power station that was built last month, an additional 11 MW power station

The approval has been finished, and we also ordered approximately 5 MW for Andong and Incheon

We are planning to start construction and a 5 MW power station will be constructed this month.


The solar cell module is composed of 420 W single crystal module which is our main product,

A 460 W single crystal module that is going to mass production will be used,

The inverter is expected to be used by appropriately combining 0.5 to 2 MW inverters.


We will continue to be the best specialist in renewable energy solar industry field

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The initiative to make pure energy for is to become a future energy company.