ESS 36.6MWh Construction > News

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ESS 36.6MWh Construction

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Writer 관리자 Lookup 8,725
Date time18-04-13 09:10 Comment 0Cases


Our company built an energy storage system ESS (about 36.6 MWh) in connection with solar power plant of JW Company in Haenam County, and this ESS started commercial operation from last month.

This is the largest capacity among domestic PV ESS currently.

The ESS system in conjunction with photovoltaic power generation stores electricity from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the battery and sends it back to the grid in addition to the charging time. This spread of ESS contributes to stabilization of power system. 

In the future, many domestic PV power plants and wind power plants will be installed. 


As a result of this project, we have been manufacturing solar module, solar power plant,

We have added ESS business to existing business such as electric power sales business and maintenance business. By entering the ESS business, we will be able to diversify our business and increase our sales and generate additional profits in the future.


In the future, Topsun will continue to make efforts to become the best specialized company in the renewable energy solar photovoltaic industry and become the future energy company to cope with climate change and make clean energy for present and future.