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Made contract 2MW solar farm

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Writer administrator Lookup 5,178
Date time12-07-10 16:39 Comment 0Cases


We made contract to built 2MW solar farm at the beginning of June, two 1MW solar farm.

1MW will be built roof-top system, another will be ground-mounted system.

Total contracted price is about 6 billion, term of contract due to July.


Roof-top system will be install stick to roof.

It will be best system with high output and best outlook through our experience of building 3.5MW solar farm at Lotte-mart parking lot.


We will use our high efficiency 405W mono-crystalline module to roof-top system,

380W poly-crystalline module to ground-mounted system.

We will install 4 of 250kW invertor per MW for team drive.


We, TOPSUN CO., LTD, will put most efforts in order to be a best renewable energy company in the solar industry and we will do our best to continue our growth.